The Plan for Our Mill Valley Closure

We will be officially closing the Mill Valley gym on Saturday, December 17th. The gym will slowly be deconstructed over the next couple of months, and equipment will be heading off to new homes.

For our youth fitness families: we will be expanding our tween and teen offerings at our Corte Madera location beginning in January with our winter session. We plan to have multiple classes daily and on Saturdays. For those of you who don’t realize, our Corte Madera location is just over the Camino Alto Hill! Keep your eyes on your inboxes for more information and our winter class schedule coming soon, and feel free to email with questions.

The 8am class on December 17th will be our final class in Mil Valley, and we invite you all to join!Later that evening, we will meet at the gym at 6pm for one final toast and then head off to a local watering hole to pay homage to the space, the people, and our community. No doubt we’ll share great stories and plenty of hugs. The great news is that the space doesn’t define the community, and we look forward to bringing the special Mill Valley flare to our Corte Madera location.

I will have much more to say about Mill Valley in the our December blog.

For now, I want us all to take some mental pictures and remember what a phenomenal place this has been.

I hope everyone will spread the word, and I hope old and new members show up for that final day!



Allison Belger